Customer Testimonial

I Put my Trust in Layton’s

I have used Layton’s Boatworks almost exclusively for work on my boat (1997 25′ Carolina Classic) since 2005.  In 2007, I received sound advice from them regarding a re-powering project for the thing (outed a tired Volvo KAD42P & replaced it with a 315hp Yanmar).  Carlton & Doug’s advice was heeded by me without much discussion or debate & I uncovered that trusting them to do the right thing for the boat & for me is well warranted.  They really know their stuff on Albemarles & Carolina Classics (I’ve owned an Albemarle & 2 Classics & am loyal to those brands) & I can wholeheartedly recommend their yard to any knowledgeable boater.

Stuart Wade
Virginia Beach, VA